Spring Promotions: Mini Lip Filler now $200 with a free small area Laser Hair Removal; 1 syringe Filler now $350 with a free medium area Laser Hair Removal; Botox 40 units now $280 with a free sunscreen cream; RF Double Chin Removal now $75 with a free Eyelift

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Cosmetic Injectable Treatments

Begin Your Journey to Youthful Radiance

Cosmetic injectable treatments are non-surgical procedures that can enhance your natural beauty and combat signs of aging. These treatments range from wrinkle relaxers, such as Botox, to dermal fillers that add volume to the skin. The benefits of cosmetic injectable treatments include improved skin texture and tone, reduced appearance of lines and wrinkles, and a more youthful and refreshed look.

At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we leverage advanced techniques and technologies to provide safe and effective cosmetic injectable treatments. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals in a comfortable and welcoming environment. We take the time to understand your needs and develop a personalized treatment plan that delivers optimal results. Choose Dina Cosmetic Clinic for your cosmetic injectable treatments and experience the transformation you desire.

a woman is getting a facial treatment at a spa .

Mesotherapy: Transform Your Skin 

As we journey through life, our skin naturally loses its youthful vibrancy due to factors such as aging, environmental stressors, and lifestyle habits. But what if you could combat these effects and rejuvenate your skin? Enter Mesotherapy – a groundbreaking, non-surgical cosmetic treatment that promises just that.

This procedure not only aims to rejuvenate and tighten the skin but also expertly targets and removes excess fat. Join us as we delve deeper into what Mesotherapy entails, how it's performed, and what you can expect during your recovery period.

  • What is Mesotherapy?

    Mesotherapy is a revolutionary cosmetic procedure that involves injecting tiny quantities of natural plant extracts, homeopathic agents, pharmaceuticals, and vitamins into the skin. Specifically targeted towards the subcutaneous fat layers, this treatment is designed to improve the quality, texture, and tone of your skin, effectively reduce cellulite, and promote weight loss. It's a versatile solution that addresses a variety of skin concerns to help you achieve a more youthful and healthier complexion.

  • Our Mesotherapy Procedure

    At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, our experienced professionals perform the mesotherapy treatment using extremely fine needles to accurately deliver the solution into the mesodermal layer of your skin. The procedure is meticulously carried out, ensuring minimum discomfort. Despite being thorough, the process is relatively quick and doesn't require incisions or general anesthesia, allowing you to return to your daily routine almost immediately.

  • Mesotherapy: What to Expect and Results

    The results of mesotherapy are nothing short of transformative. Following the treatment, clients can expect a noticeable reduction in cellulite, significantly improved skin elasticity, and a rejuvenated, youthful complexion. While the results vary based on the individual's skin type and the specific area treated, the overall improvement in skin health and appearance is typically noticeable and immensely satisfying.

  • Recovery and Aftercare

    After undergoing mesotherapy, it's normal to experience some minor bruising or swelling. However, these effects are temporary and typically resolve within a week. At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we don't just stop at providing the treatment; we ensure our clients are well-informed about the aftercare instructions for a swift recovery and optimal results. We're with you every step of the way on your journey towards enhanced beauty and confidence.

PRP: Harness the Power of Your Own Body

Advances in cosmetic treatments have opened up a world of natural and innovative methods for skin rejuvenation and hair growth stimulation. One such groundbreaking technique is PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy.

This procedure, unlike any other, employs your body's inherent healing power to enhance your beauty. Immerse yourself as we delve into the intricacies of PRP therapy, its transformative effects on skin health and hair growth, and the procedure and aftercare process at Dina Cosmetic Clinic.

  • Understanding PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Therapy

    PRP therapy is a cutting-edge, non-surgical treatment that revolves around the use of your own blood plasma, enriched with platelets, to foster collagen production and promote skin and hair revitalization. This unique approach to regenerative therapy capitalizes on the growth factors present in your blood, accelerating the body's healing process, stimulating new cell growth, and leading to a noticeable enhancement in your skin and hair quality.

  • The Benefits of PRP Therapy

    The benefits of PRP therapy extend far beyond simple aesthetic improvements. When it comes to skin, PRP aids in mitigating signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, and reducing scarring. The result is a smoother, firmer, and more youthful complexion. For hair, PRP injections administered at the scalp can awaken dormant hair follicles, triggering new growth and yielding thicker, fuller hair. This therapy offers a holistic approach to beauty, enhancing both your skin's radiance and your hair's vitality.

  • The PRP Procedure at Dina Cosmetic Clinic

    At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, the PRP treatment journey begins with a standard blood draw from the patient. This blood is then processed in a centrifuge, which separates the platelet-rich plasma from other blood components. This separated plasma, teeming with beneficial growth factors, is then meticulously injected into the target area on your skin or scalp. Despite its intricate process, the PRP procedure is relatively quick, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily routine.

  • PRP Therapy Aftercare and Results

    The recovery process following PRP therapy is straightforward with minimal downtime. You may experience some minor swelling or redness at the injection sites, but these typically subside within a few days. The results of PRP therapy unfold gradually over several weeks, leading to visibly rejuvenated skin and enhanced hair growth. At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to maximize your results and ensure a smooth recovery.

a woman is getting an injection in her face in a beauty salon .
a woman is covering her face with her hands and smiling .

Kybella Treatment: Rediscover Your Jawline

In the world of aesthetic treatments, Kybella stands as a revolutionary solution to one of the most common yet challenging issues – unwanted fat beneath the chin. This non-surgical treatment effectively eliminates the 'double chin' phenomenon, enhancing facial contours and boosting self-confidence. Let's delve into what Kybella treatment involves, its effectiveness, and what you can expect in terms of procedure, results, and downtime.

  • Understanding Kybella

    Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that has successfully redefined non-surgical solutions for reducing moderate to severe fat below the chin. Its key ingredient is synthetic deoxycholic acid, a molecule that naturally occurs in the body and plays a crucial role in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. This science-backed approach makes Kybella a safe yet powerful treatment option.

  • How Kybella Works

    Kybella's efficacy lies in its unique ability to target and dissolve stubborn fat cells under the chin. Once these cells are destroyed by Kybella's active ingredient, they lose their capacity to store or accumulate fat. This results in a significant reduction in fullness under the chin, leading to a more refined and defined jawline, and ultimately, enhancing your facial contours.

  • The Kybella Procedure at Dina Cosmetic Clinic

    At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, the Kybella treatment journey involves a series of precise injections administered under the chin. The number of injections required and the total number of treatments are tailored according to the amount of fat present and your desired profile. Each treatment session is spaced at least one month apart, ensuring adequate recovery time. A maximum of six treatments may be carried out to achieve optimal results.

  • Results, Recovery, and Downtime

    Post Kybella treatment, you might experience some swelling, bruising, or numbness under your chin. These side effects are generally temporary and subside with time. The results of Kybella treatment unfold gradually over a few weeks as your body begins to process and eliminate the destroyed fat cells. The change is progressive but dramatic, revealing a noticeably slimmer and contoured chin profile. What's even more compelling is that once the desired aesthetic result is achieved, no further treatment is usually required as Kybella provides permanent results.

PRF Treatments: The Key to Enhanced Skin Texture

In the evolving landscape of aesthetic medicine, Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) emerges as a groundbreaking treatment, offering a natural and effective way to enhance skin texture and volume, along with promoting hair restoration.

PRF stands as a testament to the advancements in aesthetic medicine, offering a safe, natural, and effective way to achieve a more youthful appearance and healthier hair. At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we are committed to harnessing the power of PRF to help our clients look and feel their best, tailoring each treatment to meet their unique aesthetic goals.

  • What is PRF and Its Advantages Over PRP?

    Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a second-generation platelet concentrate, widely recognized for its ability to accelerate the body's natural healing processes. Unlike its predecessor, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), PRF is obtained through a unique centrifugation process that does not require anticoagulants. This results in a fibrin matrix rich in platelets, leukocytes, and growth factors, which release gradually over time, enhancing the regenerative effects. PRF's slower release of growth factors not only prolongs the beneficial actions but also promotes more significant improvements in skin texture and volume, making it a superior choice in aesthetic medicine.

  • Benefits of PRF

    The introduction of PRF into facial aesthetics marks a significant advancement, offering a suite of benefits that address various skin concerns. Unlike conventional treatments, PRF utilizes the body's natural healing mechanisms to rejuvenate the skin from within. By stimulating collagen production, PRF naturally tightens and adds volume to the skin, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles for a more youthful appearance. Additionally, its ability to accelerate the healing process makes it an excellent complement to other aesthetic procedures, minimizing downtime and enhancing outcomes. The sustained release of growth factors from the PRF matrix ensures these improvements are not only immediately visible but also long-lasting, providing clients with enduring beauty and confidence.

  • The PRF Treatment Process

    The PRF treatment process is simple and minimally invasive. It begins with a small blood draw from the patient, similar to a routine blood test. The collected blood is then centrifuged using specific parameters to separate and concentrate the fibrin matrix. The resulting PRF is applied or injected into the target areas, such as the face for skin rejuvenation or the scalp for hair restoration. The entire procedure is relatively quick, taking about 30 to 60 minutes, and is performed with the utmost care to ensure patient comfort and safety.

  • Treatment Intervals and Aftercare

    For those considering PRF treatments, understanding the recommended intervals and aftercare is crucial for achieving optimal results. Initially, a series of 2-4 treatments, spaced approximately 4-6 weeks apart, is advised to allow the skin to absorb the growth factors fully and manifest visible improvements. Following each session, patients can expect minimal disruption to their daily routines, with little to no downtime required. It's common to experience slight swelling or bruising at the injection sites, but these minor side effects typically resolve quickly. To ensure the best possible outcome, patients should maintain adequate hydration and protect their skin from excessive sun exposure during the recovery period. Periodic maintenance treatments, scheduled every 6-12 months, will help sustain the rejuvenating effects of PRF, keeping the skin looking radiant and vibrant well into the future.

a woman is getting an injection in her face in a beauty salon .
a woman is covering her face with her hands and smiling .

Sculptra: Achieving Timeless Skin with Collagen Activation

In the quest for youthful, radiant skin, collagen plays a pivotal role. Recognizing this, Dina Cosmetic Clinic offers Sculptra treatments, a revolutionary approach to anti-aging that specifically targets the underlying cause of facial aging - the loss of collagen.

Sculptra stands out as a transformative solution for those looking to combat the signs of aging by revitalizing the skin’s natural collagen production. At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, our dedicated professionals are committed to guiding each patient through their personalized Sculptra journey, ensuring a seamless experience from consultation to the remarkable, lasting results.

  • What is Sculptra?

    Sculptra is an injectable treatment designed to stimulate your body’s own collagen production, gradually restoring facial volume and smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines. Unlike traditional fillers that merely fill in wrinkles or add volume, Sculptra works by rejuvenating the skin’s structural foundation over time. It’s composed of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a biocompatible and biodegradable substance that encourages the skin to rebuild collagen fibers.

  • Benefits of Sculptra

    Sculptra sets itself apart in the realm of anti-aging treatments by offering a unique approach that not only addresses wrinkles and lines but fundamentally rejuvenates the skin by stimulating collagen production. The benefits of opting for Sculptra are manifold. Firstly, the results look exceptionally natural because the treatment enhances the body's own collagen renewal process, ensuring changes are gradual and harmonious with the individual's features. Secondly, the effects of Sculptra are enduring, with improvements lasting up to two years or more, providing a longer-term solution compared to many other fillers. Furthermore, Sculptra's versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of areas, including but not limited to, deep facial wrinkles, smile lines, and overall facial volume enhancement. Importantly, as a non-surgical option, Sculptra offers a safe pathway to age reversal, with minimal downtime, allowing individuals to continue their daily routines with little interruption.

  • The Sculptra Treatment Process

    The Sculptra treatment process is characterized by attention to detail and personalized care. Initially, a comprehensive consultation is conducted to assess the patient's skin condition and discuss their aesthetic goals. During the treatment, Sculptra is carefully injected into the target areas where collagen depletion has occurred. The procedure is relatively quick, typically taking about 30 minutes, and is performed with minimal discomfort thanks to the application of a topical anesthetic. Patients may require a series of treatments, generally 2-3 sessions, spaced about a month apart to achieve optimal collagen stimulation.

  • Treatment Intervals and Aftercare

    Following a Sculptra treatment, a carefully planned schedule and aftercare regimen are essential for maximizing the benefits and ensuring lasting results. Typically, patients undergo 2-3 treatment sessions, each spaced about 4-6 weeks apart, depending on their specific needs and the initial condition of their skin. After each session, some may experience minor swelling or bruising at the injection sites, which generally diminishes within a few days. Adhering to aftercare instructions, such as gently massaging the treated areas to distribute the product evenly and avoiding excessive sun exposure, is crucial. These steps help in achieving the best possible outcome. To maintain the skin's rejuvenated appearance, following a consistent skincare routine and considering periodic touch-up treatments as recommended by the clinician can extend the vitality and youthful look afforded by Sculptra.

Skin Boosters for Advanced Hydration & Lasting Glow

In the pursuit of vibrant, youthful skin, maintaining hydration and elasticity is paramount. At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we understand this fundamental need and proudly offer an array of Skin Booster Treatments designed to deeply nourish the skin from within. These treatments are specifically formulated to restore the skin's natural luminosity, smoothness, and firmness.

Skin Booster Treatments at Dina Cosmetic Clinic offer a holistic approach to skin care, targeting the foundational elements of hydration and elasticity for a truly transformative effect.

  • What are Skin Booster Treatments?

    Skin Booster Treatments are advanced aesthetic procedures that involve the injection of hyaluronic acid and other nourishing substances directly into the skin. Unlike traditional fillers that target volume loss and wrinkles, Skin Boosters focus on improving the overall quality of the skin by enhancing hydration, texture, and elasticity. They are suitable for various areas, including the face, neck, hands, and décolletage, making them a versatile option for comprehensive skin rejuvenation.

  • Benefits of Skin Booster Treatments

    The primary advantage of Skin Booster Treatments lies in their ability to significantly improve skin hydration levels, leading to a more radiant and youthful appearance. By delivering hyaluronic acid—a substance naturally found in the body—directly into the skin, these treatments help to attract and retain moisture, resulting in plumper, smoother skin. Additionally, Skin Boosters stimulate collagen and elastin production, further enhancing skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The treatments are also known for their minimal downtime and suitability for all skin types, making them an excellent option for anyone looking to improve their skin's overall health and appearance.

  • The Skin Booster Treatment Process

    The journey to revitalized skin begins with a personalized consultation at Dina Cosmetic Clinic, where our specialists assess your skin's condition and discuss your aesthetic goals. During the treatment, a series of small injections are administered into the target area using a fine needle or cannula. The procedure is relatively quick, typically lasting about 30 minutes, and is performed with precision and care to ensure patient comfort. Depending on the specific type of Skin Booster used, the treatment may be enhanced with vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids, providing additional nourishment to the skin.

  • Treatment Intervals and Aftercare

    For optimal results, a course of 3-4 Skin Booster Treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart is generally recommended. This initial series helps to achieve maximum hydration and skin revitalization. Following the treatment, patients can expect minimal downtime, with some experiencing slight redness or swelling at the injection sites, which typically subsides within a few days. Patients are advised to follow a gentle skincare routine post-treatment and avoid direct sun exposure to protect the treated areas. To maintain the rejuvenating effects, periodic maintenance treatments every 6-12 months are encouraged, allowing individuals to enjoy long-lasting improvements in skin quality and radiance.

a woman is getting an injection in her face in a beauty salon .
a woman is covering her face with her hands and smiling .

Jalupro Enhancer for Deep Skin Rejuvenation

In the quest for youthful and revitalized skin, the power of amino acids plays a crucial role. Recognizing this, Dina Cosmetic Clinic is excited to offer Jalupro Enhancer treatments, a sophisticated solution designed to rejuvenate the skin by harnessing the natural potency of amino acids.

Jalupro Enhancer treatments at Dina Cosmetic Clinic represent a cutting-edge approach to skin rejuvenation, offering a safe and effective solution for those looking to restore their skin's natural vitality and youthfulness. With a focus on personalized care and advanced techniques, we are committed to helping our clients achieve their desired aesthetic goals.

  • What is Jalupro Enhancer?

    Jalupro Enhancer is an advanced skin rejuvenation treatment formulated with a unique blend of amino acids and hyaluronic acid. This powerful combination works synergistically to stimulate collagen production, resulting in enhanced skin elasticity, texture, and overall appearance. Unlike traditional treatments, Jalupro specifically targets the underlying causes of skin aging by nourishing and revitalizing the skin from within. It is an injectable treatment, ensuring that the active ingredients are delivered directly to the areas where they are most needed.

  • Benefits of Jalupro Enhancer

    The Jalupro Enhancer offers a multitude of benefits for individuals seeking to combat the signs of aging and achieve a more radiant complexion:

    • Boosts Collagen Production: Stimulates the natural synthesis of collagen, leading to firmer and more elastic skin.
    • Improves Skin Texture: Smoothens fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in a softer, more refined skin texture.
    • Enhances Hydration: The presence of hyaluronic acid increases the skin's capacity to retain moisture, ensuring deep and lasting hydration.
    • Versatile Application: Effective in treating various areas, including the face, neck, décolletage, and hands, making it a comprehensive solution for skin rejuvenation.
  • The Jalupro Enhancer Treatment Process

    The journey to revitalized skin with Jalupro begins with a personalized consultation at Dina Cosmetic Clinic. Our experts assess your skin concerns and goals to tailor the treatment accordingly. The procedure involves a series of small injections into the targeted areas, carefully administered to maximize comfort and efficacy. The entire process is relatively quick, typically completed within 30 minutes, allowing patients to return to their daily activities with minimal disruption.

  • Treatment Intervals and Aftercare

    For optimal results, an initial series of 2-3 Jalupro treatments spaced 10-14 days apart is recommended. This regimen allows the skin to fully absorb the amino acids and hyaluronic acid, maximizing the rejuvenating effects. Post-treatment, patients may experience mild redness or swelling at the injection sites, which typically subsides within a few hours. Following the aftercare instructions provided by our clinic, including avoiding direct sun exposure and maintaining a gentle skincare routine, is crucial for the best outcome. To sustain the benefits of Jalupro, maintenance sessions every 6 months are advised.

Profhilo: The Ultimate in Skin Bio-Remodeling

In the dynamic world of aesthetic medicine, Profhilo represents a breakthrough in skin remodeling and anti-aging treatments. Dina Cosmetic Clinic is proud to offer this cutting-edge solution, which stands out for its unique formulation and unparalleled efficacy in rejuvenating the skin from within.

Profhilo stands as a testament to the advancements in non-surgical skin rejuvenation, offering a holistic solution to those seeking to combat the signs of aging. At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the latest and most effective treatments, ensuring they achieve the beautiful, youthful skin they desire.

  • What is Profhilo?

    Profhilo is not just another filler; it's a bio-remodeling injectable made from one of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid available on the market. Unlike conventional fillers that target specific areas or wrinkles, Profhilo works by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin across the skin, offering a more comprehensive approach to anti-aging. Its unique formulation allows it to flow freely through the skin's layers, hydrating and improving skin texture and elasticity from the inside out. 

  • Benefits of Profhilo

    The innovative nature of Profhilo brings with it a host of benefits that contribute to its growing popularity:

    • Comprehensive Rejuvenation: Profhilo enhances skin tone, texture, hydration, and radiance across the entire treated area, not just where it's injected.
    • Natural Results: Thanks to its ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production, Profhilo offers subtle and natural-looking results.
    • Minimal Downtime: The treatment is minimally invasive, allowing clients to return to their daily activities almost immediately.
    • Long-Lasting Effects: Profhilo's effects can last up to six months, longer than many other hyaluronic acid-based treatments.
    • Safety: Profhilo is made from ultrapure, natural hyaluronic acid, minimizing the risk of adverse reactions.
  • The Profhilo Treatment Process

    The treatment begins with a consultation at Dina Cosmetic Clinic, where our specialists assess your skin and discuss your aesthetic goals. During the procedure, Profhilo is carefully injected into specific points on the face or neck, using a fine needle. The innovative BAP (Bio Aesthetic Points) technique is often used to maximize the spread and effectiveness of the product. The entire process is quick, taking about 30 minutes, and involves minimal discomfort. Clients typically require two sessions, spaced four weeks apart, to achieve optimal results.

  • Treatment Intervals and Aftercare

    Following Profhilo treatment, clients can expect to see initial improvements in skin quality within a few days, with full results developing over the following four weeks. To maintain the rejuvenated appearance, it's recommended to undergo a repeat treatment every six months. Post-treatment, there may be slight swelling or bruising at the injection sites, but this usually subsides within a few hours to a couple of days. No special aftercare is required, though clients are advised to keep their skin well-hydrated and protected from excessive sun exposure.

a woman is getting an injection in her face in a beauty salon .
a woman is covering her face with her hands and smiling .

Mesogel: Ultimate Skin Hydration & Rejuvenation

In the quest for a radiant, youthful complexion, deep hydration is key. Dina Cosmetic Clinic introduces Mesogel treatments, an innovative solution designed to quench thirsty skin and enhance its overall quality from within.

Through Mesogel treatments, Dina Cosmetic Clinic offers a powerful solution for those seeking to restore their skin's natural vitality and achieve lasting hydration. With a focus on personalized care and advanced techniques, we are committed to helping our clients unlock their skin's full potential and enjoy a radiant, youthful glow.

  • What is Mesogel?

    Mesogel is a cutting-edge hydrating treatment that leverages a specially formulated gel rich in hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and minerals to deeply moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. Unlike traditional topical products, Mesogel is delivered through micro-injections directly into the skin's dermal layer, ensuring optimal absorption and effectiveness. This innovative approach not only boosts the skin's hydration levels but also stimulates collagen production, improving skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Benefits of Mesogel Treatments

    The advantages of incorporating Mesogel treatments into your skincare regimen are manifold:

    • Intensive Hydration: Mesogel provides unparalleled deep skin hydration, resulting in a plumper, more radiant complexion.
    • Enhanced Skin Quality: Regular treatments improve skin texture, elasticity, and firmness, contributing to a healthier, more youthful appearance.
    • Reduced Signs of Aging: By stimulating collagen production, Mesogel helps to diminish fine lines and wrinkles, promoting smoother skin.
    • Minimal Downtime: The non-invasive nature of the treatment allows for immediate return to daily activities, making it a convenient option for busy individuals.
  • The Mesogel Treatment Process

    The journey to deeply hydrated skin begins with a comprehensive consultation at Dina Cosmetic Clinic, where our specialists assess your skin's needs and tailor the treatment accordingly. During the procedure, a series of fine micro-injections deliver the Mesogel formula directly into the targeted areas. The process is relatively quick, taking about 30 minutes, and is designed to be minimally discomforting. Our skilled practitioners ensure a comfortable experience by applying a numbing cream prior to treatment, allowing for a painless and pleasant session.

  • Treatment Intervals and Aftercare

    For optimal results, an initial series of 3-4 Mesogel treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart is recommended. This regimen allows the skin to fully absorb the hyaluronic acid and other nourishing ingredients, maximizing the rejuvenating effects. Post-treatment, patients may experience minimal redness or swelling at the injection sites, which typically subsides quickly. Following the clinic's aftercare instructions, including keeping the skin well-hydrated and avoiding direct sun exposure, is crucial for achieving and maintaining the desired outcomes. To sustain the benefits, maintenance sessions every 6-12 months are advised, ensuring long-term hydration and improved skin health.

Thread Lifting: Non-Surgical Facelift

In the realm of cosmetic enhancements, the desire for youthful, lifted skin remains paramount. Recognizing this, Dina Cosmetic Clinic is pleased to offer Thread Lifting, a groundbreaking non-surgical facelift procedure that promises significant lifting and rejuvenation without the downtime associated with traditional surgery. 

Thread Lifting at Dina Cosmetic Clinic represents a state-of-the-art solution for those seeking a non-surgical approach to achieve a more youthful, lifted appearance. Combining advanced techniques with personalized care, our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional results that enhance your natural beauty and confidence.

  • What is Thread Lifting?

    Thread Lifting is a minimally invasive procedure designed to lift and tighten sagging skin tissues by inducing collagen production. Utilizing biodegradable and biocompatible threads, the treatment effectively repositions skin, offering a more youthful appearance. The threads, once inserted into the designated areas, act as a scaffold, supporting the tissue and encouraging natural collagen synthesis. This procedure is an excellent alternative for those seeking the benefits of a facelift without undergoing surgery.

  • Benefits of Thread Lifting

    The Thread Lifting procedure offers numerous advantages:

    • Immediate Lifting Effect: Visible lifting results are immediate, with continued improvement over time.
    • Collagen Stimulation: Promotes the natural production of collagen, enhancing skin texture and firmness.
    • Minimal Downtime: As a minimally invasive procedure, recovery time is significantly reduced compared to surgical alternatives.
    • Versatility: Suitable for various facial areas, including the cheeks, jawline, neck, and eyebrows.
    • Long-Lasting Results: The effects can last up to 18 months, with the threads naturally dissolving over time.
  • The Thread Lifting Procedure

    The Thread Lifting process at Dina Cosmetic Clinic begins with a detailed consultation to assess suitability and discuss desired outcomes. On the day of the treatment, the targeted area is numbed using local anesthesia to ensure comfort. Next, specially designed threads are inserted under the skin using fine needles. These threads are then gently pulled to lift and reposition the skin. The entire process takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the areas treated. Various types of threads, such as PDO (Polydioxanone), PLLA (Poly-L-Lactic Acid), or PCL (Polycaprolactone), may be used, each selected based on the patient's unique skin characteristics and desired effects.

  • Treatment Intervals and Aftercare

    Following a Thread Lifting procedure, patients can expect mild swelling and bruising, which typically subsides within a few days. Most individuals can resume normal activities almost immediately, with full aftercare instructions provided by the clinic. To maintain the lifted appearance and support collagen production, it's recommended to follow a healthy skincare routine, including hydration and sun protection. While results are long-lasting, touch-up treatments may be necessary after 12-18 months to preserve the rejuvenating effects as the threads gradually dissolve.

a woman is getting an injection in her face in a beauty salon .
a woman is covering her face with her hands and smiling .

IV Therapy for Wellness and Beauty

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining optimal health and radiance can be a challenge. Dina Cosmetic Clinic introduces IV Therapy for Wellness and Beauty, a cutting-edge solution designed to nourish your body from the inside out, promoting overall wellness and enhancing beauty. 

IV Therapy at Dina Cosmetic Clinic offers a unique opportunity to enhance your health and beauty from within, providing a foundation of wellness that radiates outward. With personalized formulations and a commitment to quality care, our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness and aesthetic aspirations.

  • What is IV Therapy?

    IV Therapy is a medical treatment that involves administering vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream via an intravenous line. This method bypasses the digestive system, allowing for maximum absorption and immediate effects. Tailored to individual needs, IV Therapy can include a variety of "cocktails" aimed at addressing specific health concerns or goals, from boosting immune function to enhancing skin luminosity. It represents a holistic approach to wellness and beauty, supporting the body's natural processes and promoting a sense of vitality from within.

  • Benefits of IV Therapy

    IV Therapy offers a plethora of benefits tailored to enhance both wellness and beauty:

    • Rapid Absorption: Nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream, ensuring optimal absorption and immediate benefits.
    • Customizable Treatments: Cocktails can be customized to target specific needs, whether it's boosting energy, improving skin health, or supporting immune function.
    • Hydration: Essential for overall health and skin vitality, IV Therapy ensures deep hydration, complementing beauty regimens from the inside out.
    • Detoxification: Certain cocktails are designed to help detoxify the body, promoting a clearer complexion and overall well-being.
  • The IV Therapy Process

    At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, the IV Therapy process begins with a comprehensive consultation to assess your health status and aesthetic goals. Based on this assessment, a personalized cocktail is formulated. During the treatment, you'll be comfortably seated as the IV drip is administered, a process that typically takes between 30 to 60 minutes. The experience is designed to be relaxing, allowing you a moment of tranquility while your body receives a boost of vital nutrients.

  • Treatment Intervals and Aftercare

    The frequency of IV Therapy treatments can vary depending on individual goals and conditions. Some clients opt for weekly sessions to support ongoing wellness or beauty objectives, while others may seek treatments more sporadically, such as during times of increased stress or illness recovery. Post-treatment, patients can resume their day without downtime, though it's recommended to stay hydrated and follow a balanced diet to enhance the benefits of the therapy. Regular follow-up consultations are encouraged to adjust the treatment plan as needed and ensure the best possible outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we prioritize patient education as much as we do high-quality cosmetic injectable services. We understand that you might have several questions about these treatments, and we're here to provide comprehensive answers. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about our cosmetic injectable services.

  • What can I expect during my first cosmetic injectable appointment at Dina Cosmetic Clinic?

    During your first cosmetic injectable appointment at Dina Cosmetic Clinic, you will be welcomed into a comfortable and professional environment where your aesthetic needs and concerns are prioritized. The appointment begins with an in-depth consultation with one of our highly skilled professionals. This consultation is a critical step in understanding your unique aesthetic goals, reviewing your medical history, and assessing the condition of your skin or hair. This thorough evaluation allows us to determine the most effective treatment for you. We believe in open communication and encourage you to ask any questions you may have about the procedure, expected results, and recovery process. Once we develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, we will walk you through the procedure, explaining what it entails, what you can expect during recovery, and the anticipated results. Our goal is to ensure that every client feels fully informed, comfortable, and excited about their cosmetic journey with us.

  • Are there any side effects associated with cosmetic injectable treatments?

    As with any medical procedure, cosmetic injectable treatments can carry potential side effects. These may include temporary redness, swelling, bruising, or tenderness at the injection site. However, these side effects are typically mild and resolve on their own within a few days. It's important to note that at Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we prioritize patient safety above all else. We use only FDA-approved products and adhere to the highest standards of safety and hygiene. Our professionals are extensively trained in administering injectable treatments, which significantly minimizes the risk of side effects. Furthermore, we provide comprehensive aftercare instructions and are always available to address any concerns during your recovery period. We strive to ensure a smooth and comfortable experience for every patient, from the moment they step into our clinic to the completion of their recovery.

  • How long will the results from cosmetic injectable treatments last?

    The longevity of results from cosmetic injectable treatments can vary widely depending on several factors. These include the specific type of treatment, the area treated, and individual factors such as your skin type, age, lifestyle, and how well you care for your skin post-treatment. For instance, results from treatments like Botox can typically last between three to six months, while dermal fillers can maintain their effect for up to a year or more. Treatments such as PRP therapy for hair restoration may require ongoing sessions for optimal results. During your consultation, we will provide a realistic expectation of how long you can expect your results to last and discuss any potential need for follow-up or maintenance treatments. Our goal is to ensure you enjoy lasting, satisfying results that enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence.

Our Services

Our treatments range from advanced laser therapies and rejuvenating facial treatments to innovative body contouring procedures and effective hair restoration techniques. Our experienced team utilizes the latest technologies to deliver personalized care tailored to your unique needs and goals. Explore our services and start your journey towards a more radiant, youthful, and confident you.

a close up of a woman 's face with curly hair smiling .

Your Path to Radiance Begins Here: Book Now!

Ready to embark on your journey to renewed beauty and confidence? At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we're committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals through our range of effective cosmetic injectable treatments. Whether you're looking to rejuvenate your skin, restore your hair, or redefine your facial contours, our skilled professionals are ready to guide you every step of the way. Don't wait to start your transformation. Book your appointment today and let us help you uncover the best version of yourself!

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