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Hair Treatments

Boost Your Confidence with Superior Hair Treatments

Experience transformative hair treatments at Dina Cosmetic Clinic. Our comprehensive range of advanced solutions, from Hair Restoration to Mesotherapy, are designed to combat various hair loss conditions and promote healthy growth. We harness the power of cutting-edge technology and scientifically-backed techniques to deliver noticeable results.

Our dedicated team of experts provide personalized care that prioritizes your hair health and overall well-being. At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we believe that everyone deserves to feel confident in their own skin, and our hair treatments are a testament to this belief. Begin your journey to healthier, stronger hair with us today.

a woman with long brown hair is holding her hair in her hand .

Hair Restoration: Experience the Confidence

At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we understand that hair plays a vital role in your self-image, confidence and how you present yourself to the world. That's why we offer revolutionary Hair Restoration treatments designed to combat various forms of hair loss and reinstate your confidence. Utilizing advanced technology and scientifically-backed methods, our skilled team of professionals works diligently to provide personalized treatment plans that cater to individual needs and ensure optimal results.

Our commitment is to not only restore your hair but also to restore your self-esteem and happiness. Embark on a transformative journey towards healthier, fuller hair with us at Dina Cosmetic Clinic.

  • The Hair Restoration Process

    Our hair restoration process begins with an in-depth consultation to understand your unique hair loss pattern and personal needs. We discuss your desired outcomes and create a tailored treatment plan. Our experts then employ advanced techniques, including micrografting and PRP treatments, to stimulate hair growth and restore your hair's natural volume. Each step of the process is designed with your comfort and results in mind.

  • Benefits of Hair Restoration

    Hair restoration offers a myriad of benefits that extend beyond aesthetics. It can significantly boost your self-confidence and enhance your overall appearance by giving you a fuller, healthier head of hair. Furthermore, hair restoration offers a permanent solution to hair loss, allowing you to bid farewell to temporary fixes and constant worries about thinning hair or balding. Embrace the promise of long-lasting, natural-looking results.

  • Ideal Candidates for Hair Restoration

    Hair restoration is suitable for individuals experiencing thinning hair or balding, regardless of gender. It is particularly effective for those suffering from pattern baldness or hair loss due to medical conditions or treatments. If you've tried other hair growth solutions without success, our hair restoration treatment could be the solution you've been seeking.

  • Why Choose us for Hair Restoration

    At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, our dedication to providing high-quality, personalized care sets us apart. Our team of experts keeps abreast of the latest advancements in hair restoration techniques and technologies to ensure we can deliver the best results. We are committed to helping you achieve your hair goals and will work closely with you throughout your journey to ensure your comfort and satisfaction.

PRP Treatments: Natural Solution to Hair Loss

At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we are committed to providing innovative and effective solutions to hair loss. One such solution is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments - a groundbreaking procedure that utilizes the body's own healing mechanisms.

This treatment has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in stimulating hair growth, offering a natural, non-surgical option for those struggling with hair loss. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to guide you through this process, ensuring your comfort and satisfaction every step of the way.

  • Understanding PRP and Its Role in Hair Treatment

    PRP therapy uses your own blood plasma enriched with platelets - small blood cells that release growth factors to stimulate cell regeneration. In the context of hair treatment, PRP is injected into the scalp to rejuvenate the hair follicles and promote a healthier scalp environment conducive to hair growth. By using your body's own resources, PRP treatments offer a natural and efficient approach to combating hair loss.

  • The Effectiveness of PRP in Hair Treatment

    Clinical studies and real-life experiences have demonstrated the impressive effectiveness of PRP treatments in hair restoration. PRP therapy can significantly increase hair count, enhance hair thickness, and extend the growth phase of the hair cycle. It works well for both men and women experiencing pattern baldness or thinning hair. While results vary from person to person, many patients observe noticeable improvements after a few months of treatment.

  • Potential Side Effects of PRP Treatments

    As PRP therapy uses your own blood components, it is generally considered a safe procedure with minimal risk of allergic reactions or infections. However, some patients may experience mild discomfort during the injection, or temporary swelling or redness at the injection site post-treatment. These side effects are typically short-lived and resolve within a few hours.

  • Why Choose Our PRP Treatments

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a man is getting a hair transplant injection in his head .
a woman with long brown hair is smiling and touching her hair

Mesotherapy: A Powerful Solution for Hair Regrowth

At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we are dedicated to providing innovative treatments that yield remarkable results. Among these is Mesotherapy, a cutting-edge procedure designed to combat hair loss and stimulate healthy hair growth.

This non-surgical treatment harnesses the power of a nutrient-rich solution to nourish your hair from within, resulting in rejuvenated, vibrant hair. 

  • Understanding Mesotherapy and Its Role in Hair Growth

    Mesotherapy is a specialized treatment that involves the precise injection of a specially-formulated cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and other hair-nourishing ingredients directly into the scalp. These nutrients target and revitalize the hair follicles, promoting improved blood circulation and delivering essential nourishment for healthier hair growth. By rejuvenating the hair follicles, mesotherapy can effectively slow hair loss and stimulate new hair growth, leading to thicker, fuller hair.

  • The Effectiveness of Mesotherapy in Hair Treatment

    Mesotherapy has garnered recognition for its effectiveness in treating a variety of hair loss conditions. It holds the potential to significantly improve hair density and stimulate hair regrowth in areas affected by thinning or balding. While individual results may vary based on personal factors, most patients observe noticeable improvements in hair thickness and vitality after undergoing a series of mesotherapy treatments.

  • What to Expect During and After the Treatment

    During a mesotherapy session, our trained practitioners will inject the nutrient solution into various points on your scalp using a specialized device. The procedure is typically swift, with minimal discomfort. After the treatment, you may experience slight swelling or redness at the injection sites, which usually subsides within a few hours. For optimal results, a series of treatments is usually recommended over several weeks or months, followed by maintenance sessions as needed.

  • Why Choose Our Mesotherapy Treatments

    At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we prioritize patient satisfaction and comfort. Our team of experienced professionals is adept at administering mesotherapy treatments and committed to achieving the best possible results. We take a personalized approach to each treatment plan, ensuring that it aligns with each patient's unique hair loss situation and desired outcomes.

Hair Frequency Treatment: Revive Your Hair

At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we're committed to offering a diverse range of innovative and effective treatments to combat hair loss. One such treatment is Hair Frequency, a state-of-the-art procedure that uses the power of radiofrequency to stimulate hair growth.

This non-invasive, pain-free solution provides hope for those experiencing thinning hair or hair loss, giving them a chance to regain not only their hair but also their confidence.

  • Understanding Hair Frequency Treatment

    Hair Frequency treatment is a groundbreaking technique that employs radiofrequency technology to promote hair growth. The treatment involves delivering electromagnetic waves directly to the scalp, which stimulates blood circulation and activates hair follicles. This process revitalizes dormant hair follicles, encouraging them to produce new, healthy hair. It's a non-invasive, pain-free procedure that paves the way for a healthier scalp and fuller hair.

  • The Effectiveness of Hair Frequency

    Hair Frequency has been recognized for its remarkable effectiveness in stimulating hair growth. By promoting improved blood flow to the hair follicles, this treatment ensures that the follicles receive the nutrients they need to produce healthy hair. As a result, patients can experience increased hair density and strength, leading to fuller, more vibrant hair. It's a transformative treatment designed to boost both your hair health and your self-confidence.

  • Who is Hair Frequency Suited For?

    Hair Frequency is a versatile treatment that's suitable for both men and women who are experiencing hair thinning or hair loss. It's an excellent option for those seeking a non-surgical, pain-free solution to hair loss. Whether you're in the early stages of hair thinning or dealing with more significant hair loss, Hair Frequency could offer the solution you've been seeking.

  • Why Choose Our Hair Frequency Treatments

    At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we prioritize patient care and satisfaction. Our team of experienced professionals is skilled in administering Hair Frequency treatments, ensuring each patient receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs. We're committed to delivering optimal results, helping each individual achieve their desired hair growth outcomes.

a woman is getting a hair treatment from a doctor .
a woman with long brown hair is smiling and touching her hair

PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) for Hair Regrowth

Hair loss is a concern that affects many, impacting confidence and self-image. Dina Cosmetic Clinic introduces an innovative approach to combat hair thinning and loss through PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) treatment.

By integrating PRF into our suite of hair regrowth services, Dina Cosmetic Clinic offers a promising solution for those seeking to address hair loss with lasting, natural-looking results. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through each step of the process, ensuring your journey towards fuller, healthier hair is smooth and successful.

  • What is PRF and How Does it Differ from PRP?

    Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is an advanced form of platelet-rich plasma therapy but with a key difference. While both involve the use of the patient's own blood to stimulate hair growth, PRF is centrifuged at a slower speed, resulting in a fibrin matrix rich in platelets, leukocytes, and cytokines. This matrix releases growth factors over a longer period, offering a more sustained stimulation to the hair follicles.

  • Benefits of PRF in Hair Regrowth

    The benefits of PRF in promoting hair regrowth are numerous. It naturally stimulates the body's healing mechanisms to encourage hair growth, providing a safe and effective alternative with minimal discomfort. The slow release of growth factors leads to longer-lasting results, improving the thickness and density of hair over time. Given its minimally invasive nature and the use of the patient's own biological material, the risk of allergic reactions or side effects is significantly reduced, making it an appealing option for many.

  • The PRF Procedure: What to Expect

    During the PRF procedure, patients can expect a straightforward and relatively quick experience. After a consultation to assess suitability and discuss expectations, a small sample of blood is drawn from the patient. This blood is then centrifuged to separate the PRF, which is subsequently injected into the scalp areas experiencing hair thinning or loss. Performed under local anesthesia, the entire process ensures comfort and is completed within about an hour, allowing patients to resume their daily activities with minimal downtime.

  • Treatment Intervals and Aftercare

    For optimal results, an initial series of 3-4 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart is recommended. Patients can immediately return to their daily routines post-treatment, with little to no restrictions. While some might experience mild tenderness or swelling, these symptoms typically subside within a few days. Regular follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor progress and assess the need for additional sessions, ensuring each patient achieves the best possible outcome for their hair regrowth journey.

Hair Filler Treatments for Fuller, Healthier Hair

In the quest for fuller, healthier hair, Dina Cosmetic Clinic proudly offers innovative hair filler treatments. This cutting-edge solution targets individuals experiencing hair thinning or loss, providing a non-surgical option to enhance hair density and strength.

Through innovative hair filler treatments, Dina Cosmetic Clinic empowers individuals facing hair loss or thinning with a powerful, non-surgical solution. By fostering a healthier scalp environment and stimulating hair growth, patients can achieve noticeable improvements in hair density and strength, restoring confidence and vitality to their appearance.

  • What is Hair Filler and Its Components?

    Hair filler treatments utilize a specially formulated injectable gel, rich in hyaluronic acid and a blend of growth factors and vitamins. This unique composition is designed to penetrate the scalp and reach the hair follicles directly. Hyaluronic acid, known for its hydrating properties, helps to create a nurturing environment for hair follicles, while the growth factors stimulate hair growth and regeneration. The combined action of these components contributes to the overall health and vitality of the scalp and hair.

  • Benefits of Hair Filler Treatments

    The benefits of opting for hair filler treatments are multifaceted. Primarily, it promotes an increase in hair density and volume, making it an excellent option for those noticing signs of hair thinning. Additionally, it revitalizes the scalp, encouraging the growth of new hair while strengthening existing strands. The hydration provided by the hyaluronic acid also ensures that the scalp remains healthy and well-nourished, further supporting hair growth. Moreover, since the treatment is non-surgical and minimally invasive, it comes with minimal downtime and discomfort.

  • The Hair Filler Treatment Process

    The treatment process begins with a thorough consultation to evaluate the patient's hair condition and discuss the desired outcomes. During the procedure, the scalp is first cleansed and prepared. The hair filler is then carefully injected into targeted areas of the scalp using fine needles. This precision allows for direct nourishment of the hair follicles. The entire procedure is relatively quick, taking about 30 to 60 minutes, and is performed with the utmost care to ensure patient comfort. 

  • Treatment Intervals and Aftercare

    For optimal results, a series of treatments is typically recommended. Most patients undergo 3 to 4 sessions, spaced approximately 4 weeks apart. This schedule allows the scalp to maximally absorb the hair filler's active ingredients, fostering substantial improvements in hair growth and scalp health. Post-treatment, patients can resume their usual activities, with no significant downtime required. To maintain the rejuvenating effects and continue promoting hair growth, periodic maintenance sessions may be advised based on individual needs and progress.

a woman is getting a hair treatment from a doctor .
a woman with long brown hair is smiling and touching her hair

Hair Transplant: A Permanent Solutions for Hair Loss

At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we understand the profound impact hair loss can have on both the appearance and self-esteem of our clients. To address this, we offer state-of-the-art hair transplant services, utilizing the latest techniques to restore hair density and promote natural-looking results.

Our dedicated team is committed to providing personalized care throughout the process, ensuring a comfortable experience and satisfying outcomes.

  • What is the Hair Transplant Service?

    Hair transplant surgery involves transferring hair follicles from a part of the body, known as the 'donor site,' to the balding or thinning area, referred to as the 'recipient site.' At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we specialize in two primary hair transplant techniques: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles directly from the scalp and implanting them into the thinning areas, while FUT entails removing a strip of skin with hair follicles from the donor area and then dissecting it into individual grafts for transplantation. Both methods aim to achieve a natural appearance with minimal scarring.

  • Benefits of Hair Transplant Services

    The benefits of undergoing hair transplant surgery are numerous:

    • Permanent Solution: Offers a long-lasting solution to hair loss.
    • Natural-Looking Results: Transplanted hair grows in a natural pattern.
    • Improved Self-Confidence: Restoring hair density can significantly boost self-esteem.
    • Minimal Maintenance: Transplanted hair can be treated like normal hair, requiring no special care.
    • Versatility: Suitable for treating male and female pattern baldness, as well as hair loss due to injury or other medical conditions.

  • The Hair Transplant Process

    The hair transplant process begins with an in-depth consultation to determine the best course of action based on the patient's hair loss pattern, goals, and overall health. Ideal candidates are those experiencing permanent hair loss who have sufficient donor hair. Preparation steps include discussing expectations, understanding the procedure, and following pre-operative instructions to ensure optimal results.

    On the day of the surgery, the donor area is prepared, and local anesthesia is applied. Depending on the chosen method, either individual follicles are extracted (FUE) or a strip of skin is removed (FUT) and then prepared for transplantation. The grafts are carefully placed into the recipient sites, paying close attention to the angle and distribution to ensure a natural-looking outcome. The procedure duration varies depending on the extent of the transplant but typically lasts several hours.

  • Recovery, Results, and Post-Transplant Care

    Following the procedure, patients may experience some tenderness, swelling, and bruising, which generally subside within a few days. Detailed aftercare instructions will be provided, including how to care for the scalp and when to resume regular activities. Initial hair growth can be seen within a few months, with more significant results visible after 6-9 months. Regular follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor progress and address any concerns.

    To maintain the health and appearance of the transplanted hair, patients are advised to follow a gentle hair care routine and protect the scalp from excessive sun exposure. Periodic check-ups at Dina Cosmetic Clinic will help ensure the longevity of the results, allowing patients to enjoy a fuller, more youthful hair appearance for years to come.

Eyebrow Transplantation: Redefine Your Expression

Eyebrows play a pivotal role in framing the face, expressing emotions, and enhancing overall facial aesthetics. Recognizing their significance, Dina Cosmetic Clinic offers specialized eyebrow transplantation services designed to restore or enhance the density and shape of eyebrows.

Eyebrow transplantation at Dina Cosmetic Clinic offers a sophisticated solution for those looking to enhance their facial aesthetics through fuller, more defined eyebrows. With attention to detail and a commitment to achieving personalized results, our team ensures a transformative experience with lasting beauty benefits.

  • What is Eyebrow Transplantation?

    Eyebrow transplantation is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring or enhancing the appearance of the eyebrows. The process involves transplanting hair follicles from a donor area, typically the back of the scalp, to the eyebrow area. This technique is not only used to increase density but also to reshape the eyebrows, offering a solution for those who have experienced hair loss due to overplucking, genetics, scars, or medical conditions. At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we utilize advanced techniques to ensure natural-looking and long-lasting results.

  • Benefits of Eyebrow Transplantation

    The benefits of undergoing an eyebrow transplant are multifaceted:

    • Aesthetic Enhancement: Achieves fuller, more defined eyebrows that complement facial features.
    • Permanent Solution: Offers a long-lasting alternative to makeup or temporary brow fillers.
    • Customizable Results: Tailored to fit the individual’s facial structure and aesthetic preferences.
    • Boost in Confidence: Restores appearance and self-esteem, contributing to a positive self-image.
  • The Eyebrow Transplant Process at Dina Cosmetic

    The eyebrow transplant process begins with a thorough consultation to understand the client's expectations and design a brow shape that naturally enhances their facial features. On the day of the procedure, local anesthesia is applied to ensure comfort. Hair follicles are then carefully harvested from the donor area and meticulously transplanted to the eyebrow area, taking into account the direction of growth and desired density. The precision involved in the placement of each follicle is crucial for achieving a natural appearance. 

  • Recovery and Results

    Following the procedure, clients may experience mild swelling and bruising around the treated area, which typically subsides within a few days. Tiny crusts may form around each transplanted hair but will fall off as the healing process progresses. It's important to follow aftercare instructions provided by our clinic to ensure optimal healing and results. Initial hair growth can be observed within a few months, with final results becoming apparent after 9-12 months as the transplanted hairs fully mature and blend seamlessly with the existing eyebrows. Regular follow-up visits are recommended to monitor the progress and ensure satisfaction with the outcomes.

a woman is getting a hair treatment from a doctor .

Frequently Asked Questions

At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we understand that you may have questions about our Hair Treatments services. We believe in transparency and open communication, so we've compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. If you need more information, feel free to contact us.

  • How do I know which hair treatment is right for me?

    Determining the right hair treatment for you depends on various factors including the extent of your hair loss, the cause, your overall health, and personal preferences. At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we offer a variety of treatments such as Hair Restoration, PRP, Mesotherapy, and Hair Frequency. During your initial consultation, our team of experts will conduct a thorough assessment of your hair and scalp condition, discuss your goals and expectations, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This personalized approach allows us to address your hair concerns effectively, ensuring optimal results. Remember, hair loss is a personal journey and what works best for one person may not be the same for another.

  • Are these hair treatments safe? What are the potential side effects?

    Safety is our top priority at Dina Cosmetic Clinic. All our hair treatments are conducted by trained professionals and are designed to be safe and effective. For instance, treatments like PRP and Mesotherapy utilize natural components or your body's own resources, reducing the risk of adverse reactions. However, as with any procedure, there can be potential side effects. These may include mild discomfort, redness, or swelling at the treatment site, but these are typically temporary and subside within a few hours. Before starting any treatment, we ensure that all procedures are thoroughly explained to you, including potential risks and benefits. We are committed to ensuring that our patients are well-informed and comfortable with the treatment plan before proceeding.

  • How soon can I expect to see results from the hair treatments?

    The timeline for seeing results varies depending on the specific treatment and the individual's response to it. Generally, hair treatments like PRP, Mesotherapy, and Hair Frequency require multiple sessions to achieve the best results. Some patients may start noticing improvements as early as a few weeks after starting treatment, while for others, it may take a few months. It's important to remember that hair growth is a slow process and patience is key. However, rest assured, our team will be with you every step of the way, monitoring your progress and adjusting your treatment plan as needed for optimal results. At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we're committed to providing you with quality care and ensuring your satisfaction throughout your hair restoration journey.

Our Services

Our treatments range from advanced laser therapies and rejuvenating facial treatments to innovative body contouring procedures and effective hair restoration techniques. Our experienced team utilizes the latest technologies to deliver personalized care tailored to your unique needs and goals. Explore our services and start your journey towards a more radiant, youthful, and confident you.

a woman wearing headphones is smiling and touching her hair .

Take Charge of Your Hair Growth: Book Now

Embarking on your hair restoration journey is just a few clicks away! At Dina Cosmetic Clinic, we make scheduling your appointment as seamless as possible. Whether you're interested in Hair Restoration, PRP, Mesotherapy, or Hair Frequency, our dedicated team of professionals is ready to guide you towards healthier, fuller hair. Don't let hair loss hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards transforming your hair health by booking your appointment today. We look forward to welcoming you to Dina Cosmetic Clinic and helping you achieve your hair goals!

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